- Sign up to receive emergency alerts and updates from District officials through AlertDC: alertdc.dc.gov
- Download the HSEMA mobile app in the Apple or Google Play store by searching "DC Homeland Security and Emergenccy Management Agency." The HSEMA mobile app provides you with emergency preparedness tips and resources at your fingertips. For more info: hsema.dc.gov/mobileapp
- Sign up for the ReadyDC Preparedness Bulletin to receive the latest preparedness tips, news, and resources from the District.
- Tune into HSEMA's new podcast, HSEMA Off the Record, for your behind the scenes look - and listen - into the world of emergency management.
- Review the ReadyDC emergency kit checklist and re-stock your emergency preparedness kit with any missing items.
- Make copies of important documents, such as insurance cards, drivers license, banking records, etc. and store them in a waterproof container in your emergency kit.
- Make a list of your emergency contacts - names and phone numbers - including folks both in and out-of-state and keep a copy in your emergency kit.
- Sign up to receive emergency alerts and updates from District officials through AlertDC: alertdc.dc.gov
- Review your family's emergency plan and update to fit any needs of loved ones that may have changed in the past year. If you don't have one, take the time to create one.
- Establish a meeting spot to reunify with your family if an emergency happens when you're not together.
- If a family member or loved one has a disability, review the ReadyDC emergency checklist for people with disabilities or access and functional needs: Guide for District Residents to Plan for Emergencies.
- Create a personal network of family, friends, or neighbors who may be able to help keep your pet safe if an emergency occurs when you are not home.
- Review the ReadyDC checklist of items to pack in your emergency kit for your pet's survival.
- Be aware and understand the risks we face in the Distric by reviewing the identified threats and hazards for DC.
- If you are a business owner in the District, become a member of the District's Business Emergency Management Operations Center (BEMOC). The BEMOC helps businesses before, during, and after an emergency.
- If you are an educator, consider adding preparedness to your curriculum. For more information, visit ready.gov/kids/educators-organizations
- Review the free downloadable ReadyDC resources on individual, businesses, and community preparedness.
- Bring HSEMA's outreach team directly to your community! Request a presentation from our outreach team on emergency preparedness for your business, school, organization, community group, housing association, etc.
- Consider applying for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program if you are a faith-based organization in the National Capital Region. The grant funding supports efforts for planning, training, and other security-related activities.
- If you are a faith-based organization, join the District's Interfaith Preparedness & Advisory Group (IPAG). The IPAG encourages dialogue between District Government and the District's faith-based organizations in order to enhance preparedness for all types of hazards.